
Friday, 25 February 2011

Cable TV: I don't Miss You

For a New Year's resolution, I decided to cancel my cable TV subscription. I was paying $50/month for it, and was about to increase $65, and I really only watch about 5 different TV shows.

The change was different but not difficult. I purchased a VGA-audio cable on ebay (computer cables are much cheaper here than in brick and mortar stores) and then easily set up my Windows 7 machine for dual monitor. For the first 2 weeks I would think, "hmm, it would be so nice to channel surf." Those thoughts disappeared and were replaced with "Cable TV really does have a lot of commercials" and "I love being able to watch my show whenever I want" and "downloading TV shows is great!" Currently my "channels" are simply bookmarks in my browser which I can access from any computer since I use Google Chrome Sync; for background TV I put on something from, and I also pay for a Netflix subscription ($7.99/month and the selection is getting much better). For the most part I can watch anything that I want online that I want, the exception are Sports highlight shows (no problem to find individual highlights) and high quality sporting events.

To sum up, I am really enjoying the freedom from cable TV and the $50/month in savings. To everyone out there with a TV subscription, "Cut The Cable!"

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